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I Graduated College !!

It has definitely been a long journey for me.. For years I've been out of school. It first started over 3 years ago when I decided to take the summer o

ff and during that summer is when I started working at Disneyland. When I got hired at Disneyland I was so excited. I haven't had a job since my last one (which closed down 2 years prior). . . So I was super excited about being employed again. When I signed my contract as a new team member at Disneyland they stated that they work around students school schedule and I wouldn't have a problem getting my requested time/days. The first few weeks were pretty smooth the cast members were nice, they pay was good, and I enjoyed my job. After while Disneyland wasn't giving me the hours requested which cut into my school and study time which made it hard the time needed for my classes (such as homework time, studying, etc). I had classes at 7am and was getting off work at 2 and 3am and got home around 4am and had to wake up at 5am so I can make it to class through traffic and parking by 630am... It was getting hard to do all this and even after complaining to Disney .. it was basically keep the job or quit school and that's when I decided to just work at Disney and build my savings. Long story short I enrolled myself back into school last fall and I am proud to say I am officially a COLLEGE GRADUATE.... I also dec'd out my cap for graduation!!! In the words of Beyonce "Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper". <3

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